Looking at the present needs in the country both at central level and at the private sector demands for public health specialists, prompted CUHAS to start a Master of Public Health Programme (MPH). This initiative was triggered by the National Health Policy through the Health Sector Reform. The Reform demands having highly qualified public health manpower to man and run District and Regional health services. These demands are not only in the governing institutions but also the NGO’s and community health programmes and projects; all of these are expressing need to have well trained manpower in the health sector.


STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAMME All courses in this program are core
KEY: LH: Lecture Hours; TH: Tutorial Hours; PH: Practical or Field work hours; AS: Assignment; IS: Independent studies; H: Hours; 10Notional Hours= 1 Credit Details of this program can be found in the CUHAS Prospectus (2019 – 2022)