Background History

     The Department of Microbiology and Immunology is one the departments in the Weill Bugando School of Medicine, CUHAS and runs a number of courses in both undergraduate and graduate programs like Microbiology and Immunology Course which is broadly divided into three modules namely General Bacteriology, Virology & Mycology and Immunology for MD2, BMLS2, BSNE 2, BScN 2 and BPharm 3 students.

Course Objectives of undergraduate programs ( MD, BMLS, BSNE , BScN and BPharm )

  • Describe the host-parasite-environment relationship in health and in microbial diseases
  • Be familiar with the general epidemiological aspects of microbial health problems and preventive measures of specific health problems with special reference to sub Saharan Africa.
  • Be familiar with collection and handling of appropriate specimens for microbiological investigation.
  • Be able to perform essential microbiological and immunological laboratory procedures used in determining etiology of common microbial and immunological health problems.
  • To enable them appreciate the role of the subject in problem solving in infectious diseases management, prevention and control.

Microbiology & Immunology Historical Perspectives

Microbiology & Immunology Historical Perspectives
On the 17th century, Antonie van Leewenhoek (1632-1723) made a ground breaking discovery of a microscope and described microorganisms as living creatures ‘animacules’; this led him to be known as the father of microbiology.


  • To produce graduate capable of performimng clinical microbiology and diagnostic molecular biology in health diagnostics, medical research fieldand industrial

Students' Research Support: the Department offer conducive environment for undergraduate and graduate students to conduct their elective research projects/dissertation research projects in the areas of infectious diseases. The diverse expertise of the departmental academic staff vested with tremendous experience ensure a considerable number of students accomplish their research successful each year.

Course Objectives for graduate programs(MMed1)

The department also offers this course for students taking Masters of Medicine in various specialties. The main objectives of this course are to enable graduate students to:

  • Describe major clinical syndromes and their etiological agents using current epidemiological information generated locally in relation with the global trends.
  • Describe basic principles in the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases by critically analyzing the cost effective diagnostic tools and antimicrobial therapeutic options available locally in relation to the existing options across the globe.
  • Describe the immunology of infectious diseases critically by delineating immunodiagnostics and novel immunotherapeutics especially for infectious diseases of public health importance in Tanzania.

Vital statistics