
Parasitology is the study of parasites and their relationship to their hosts. Not only are parasites of very varied nature,
from unicellular organisms to complex multicellular ones,
but their study encompasses numerous disciplines,
such as taxonomy, ecology and vectors, morphology,
physiology, biochemistry, immunology, pathology and
pharmacology, nutrition and the broader field of control.
The study of parasitology is therefore linked with the
study of health sciences and medicine.
Human parasitology includes the study of parasitic protozoa,
helminthes and arthropods. It therefore adds entomology to
the disciplines under study. Let us not forget that,
among the six tropical diseases declared undefeated by WHO,
five are caused by parasites:
malaria,schistosomiasis, filariasis,
African trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis.
There is still work to be done to understand the world of
parasites and how we can defeat them!
To describe in detail the life cycles of medically important parasites
To describe the organs commonly involved in the infection
To describe the relationship of this infection to symptoms, relapse and the accompanying pathology
To describe the methods of parasites control eg chemotherapy, mollusciding, general sanitation
To describe the factors that determine endemicity of the parasite infection and organs commonly involved in the infection
Quote of the month
“The study of parasitism is interdisciplinary, encompassing aspects of systematics, ecology, morphology, embryology, physiology, biochemistry, immunology, pharmacology and nutrition, among others” from Human Parasitology, Bogitsh BJ, Elsevier
Parasite Of The Month
- Most common, most widespread human infection
- 1.2 million people infected worldwide
- Estimated 12 million cases of acute illness & 10.000 deaths annually
- Large worm
- Female ♀ : 20-25 x 3-6 cm
- Male ♂ : 15-31 x 2-4 cm
- Eggs (60 x 45 µm), surrounded by mammillated shell
- Live in small intestine
Schistosomiasis Control Initiative – An integrated project to control and eliminate schistosomiasis in Mwanza, Tanzania Participating organizations: BMC, CUHAS, NIMR-Mwanza, German Leprosy Relief Org, Medical Mission Institute and Medical Mission Hospital,
Wuerzburg. read more
- Introduction_Students
- Comp morphol_parasites all
- Diagnostic parasites all_pics
- Para Course Programme
- 2.Handouts _Amoeba_ Students
- 3.Handout _Protozoa non intestinal
- 4.Handout_Blastocystis hominis
- 5. Handout_Flagellates
- 5b. Handout_Trichomonas
- 6.Handout_Entamoeba gingivalis
- 7.Handout_Balantidium coli
- 8. Handout CoccidiaMicrosporidia
- 8b.Para Handout_Coccidia_Toxoplasma
- 9. Handout_Babesia
- 9b. Handout_Leishmania
- 10. Handouts_Nematodes I, II and III
- 11. Handouts_Nematodes IV
- 11b.Comparitive morpho_Nematodes
- 12. Handouts_Filaria
- 12b.Filaria_Part I_Complete
- 13. Handout_Trematodes I
- 14. Handout_Foodborne Trematoda
- 15.Spectrum outcomes immuno_filarial infections
- 16.trichinella_dracunculus_complete
- 17. Handout_schisto_features comparison
- 18. Handout_schisto_morphology all species
- 19. Handout_schisto_species
- 20. Handout_Trematodes I
- 21.Final_NOTES_for_Entomology
.Reference text book: Manson’s Tropical Diseases, 22nd edition view