The department of physiology is one of the biomedical science departments in the Weill Bugando School of Medicine focused on both basic and clinical physiology. The department takes the responsibility of physiology teaching and research supervisions for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The department is located at level 3 in Mwalimu Nyerere Learning resource center (MNLRC) building within Bugando Medical Center (BMC) premises in Mwanza, the enjoyable rock city.
The department offers basic physiology course (Basic Physiology) to first year undergraduate students pursuing Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences (BMLS) and Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy (BScMIR) and both basic and clinical physiology course (Medical Physiology) to first year pursuing Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSc. Nursing) and Doctor of Medicine (MD) degrees. Read More
Faculty members in the department offer research supervision to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. For postgraduate students supervision is offered at the level of masters and Ph.D degrees.
The members of the department individually or in collaboration participate in various researches which are related to normal physiology as well as physiological changes which occur during various conditions such as pregnancy and disease process.
The basic physiology course aims to provide the student with knowledge on the:
- Homeostatic control mechanism, the internal environment and composition of body fluid compartments
- Composition and functions of blood, as well as the characteristic, formation, destruction and functions of red and white blood cells.
- Origins of cell trans-membrane potentials and how this contributes to the excitability of cells and on the structure and mechanisms of muscle contraction.
- Organization, function and control/regulation of the cardiovascular system.
- Normal functions and control of the digestive, respiratory and renal systems.
- Hormones produced by the body, the mechanisms of hormone action and the various control mechanisms for hormone production and functions.
- Normal functioning of the nervous system.