Prof.Humphrey D. Mazigo

Humphrey D. Mazigo is an infectious disease epidemiologist, interested in the epidemiology, immunoepidemiology, immune-morbidity and control of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in children and adult population in sub-Saharan Africa. He is particularly interested in the epidemiology, diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation of interventions for prevention, control and potential elimination of helminthic neglected tropical diseases and how neglected tropical diseases interact with malaria and HIV-1 infection. In these areas, he has substantial experiences in fieldwork covering parasitological, ultrasonographical, malacological and entomological research in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa covering schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminths, and malaria. He has worked very extensively on schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths and published widely in these diseases.
Dr.Elias C. Nyanza

Elias C. Nyanza is a population and public health specialist working in Northern Tanzania to reduce healthy disparities and improve access to health care and health services; improving access to safe and clean water, sanitation and hygiene among the marginalized populations through research and community-based Innovations to improve maternal and neonatal, and child health outcomes.
Dr. Namanya Basinda

Dr. Namanya Basinda is a Medical Doctor specialist in Community/Public Health. He serves as Lecturer and Head of the Community Medicine department at the School of Public Health, CUHAS. Dr. Basinda has significant expertise in the field of Health System research and Public Health. He has worked on different health system supporting programs/project to ensure improved decision making in health care provision. He is accustomed to using new technologies and different mixed methods for inference making. He has vast experience in public health engagement and advocacy programs, project management, projects’ impact assessment, implementation and operational research.
Dr.Eveline T. Konje

I am a biostastician and epidemiologist working with academic institution (CUHAS) for more than ten years. I have been engaged in different community-based programs such as community mobilization, health needs assessment, health promotion, and mass screening campaigns. I have been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students for 13 years in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Additionally, I have been supervising more than 40 undergraduate students and 18 postgraduate students working in wide range of research topics such as infectious disease, cervical cancer, quality of life, maternal depression, health care services, medical education to mention a few.
Dr.Joseph R. Mwanga

Dr. Joseph Rogathe Mwanga is a medical sociologist who holds a PhD degree (education) from the Danish University of Education, Copenhagen Denmark awarded in 2005. He has a double training background in sociology and education. Currently he is a senior lecturer with school of public health of the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) at Bugando, Mwanza TANZANIA where he teaches health sociology, qualitative health research methods, and health promotion. He is also a mentor/supervisor and internal examiner of undergraduate and postgraduate students at CUHAS. Furthermore, he also serves as a member of joint CUHAS/Bugando Medical Centre Ethics & Review Committee.
Ms. Pendo Ndaki

Pendo Maisi Ndaki is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Behavioral Sciences, School of Public Health, CUHAS. She has been working at the university for more than 9 years. She coordinates and teaches development studies in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy, and Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences programs.
Dr.Anthony Kapesa

Anthony Kapesa is a public health specialist with a wealth of experience in infectious disease surveillance, evaluation of interventions, and teaching. He is currently a senior lecturer at the CUHAS School of Public Health, where he has been teaching for over twelve years. His area of specialty is on malaria and HIV transmission, as well as the clinical epidemiology of these diseases. He is also interested in the epidemiology of non-communicable diseases. Anthony attended the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, where he earned a Doctor of Medicine degree in 2007, followed by a Master of Medicine in Community Health in 2012. In 2021, he earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Public Health from the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences.
Peter M Chilipweli

Peter M Chilipweli is Environmental Health practitioner with the interest on surveillance especially on the area of emerging and reemerging diseases, heath promotion and systems which include interventional design and evaluation, nutrition and food hygiene with specificity on Cereal Mycotoxins, pesticides, and food microbiology, One health, Disaster risk reduction and resilience , Sanitation and hygiene (WASH and SWASH) and occupational health and safety which involves chemical exposure appraisal with associated health outcomes especially on neurodevelopment disorders. He is endowed with knowledge on Online data capture and survey by Research Electronic data capture (REDCap), Planetary Health and diseases variation on Africa and Europe in perspective.
Dr. Msilikale W. Manyiri

Msilikale W. Manyiri is a field epidemiologist who has recently completed his Master’s program and has a keen interest in studying the spread of infectious diseases(With focus on Malaria and Schistosomiasis), as well as preventing and controlling disease outbreaks. Over the last three years, he has worked as a Tutorial Assistant in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the School of Public Health. He possesses the necessary skills and experience in designing and developing studies, collecting and analyzing data using both qualitative and quantitative methods, performing disease surveillance, investigating outbreaks, and writing scientific reports.
Dr.Stella F. Mugassa

Stella F Mugassa is currently a project manager at the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS). She has a medical degree in Doctor of medicine. In addition, she serves as a tutorial assistance in the department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics with an interest in research activities especially in the control and management of soil transmitted helminths and schistosomiasis around the lake shore. She has participated in different research which involves both children and adults from the diagnosis to management and prevention. she has a plan to start her masters in Epidemiology in Epidemiology and Biostatistics and this will enable her to focus more in research especially on Female genital schistososmiasis which is still not know in the community.
Ms.Janeth A. Peter

Janeth A. Peter is a Sociologist specialized in medical Sociology, interested in Social health research and gender issues. She has participated in various qualitative and quantitative social researches across the country, including Malnutrition in children, Maternal Health, Female genital Schistosomiasis and school related gender based violence. She current work in the school of public health at catholic university of Health and Allied Sciences as an assistant lecturer teaching health sociology subject.
Fr. Robert B. Kitambo

Fr. Robert B. Kitambo is a lecturer in School of Public health in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Behavioral Sciences. He Has been working with CUHAS for more than six years. He has a background in Philosophy, Moral Theology and Development Studies. He is Lecturing on Values of Human Life for the undergraduate Students (Medical Students, Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Image and Radiology). He is also lecturing Behavioral Sciences particularly on Health Psychology for the Medical Students, Nursing, Pharmacy and Medical Image and Radiology. He has participated in social research on Mama Na Mtoto, he is also doing research on malnutrition. He is interest on social research related to Behavioral Changes
Mr.Leeyio,Titus Robert

Leeyio, Titus Robert is a statistician interested in the application of statistical concepts in health science. He is currently pursuing his master degree in Biostatistics and Epidemiology where he aspires to advance his statistical skills in understanding disease dynamics in relation to ecological changes. He has been working as a tutorial assistant in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the School of Public Health where he guides students in developing reliable research tools for their graduate research papers. He possesses necessary skills in designing data collection kits, both quantitative and qualitative while performing proficient analysis using SPSS, STATA and R.